Jan 31, 2008

Kinky Carnivale

One of our fave DJ's from Chicago is DJ World. Not only does he grind hardcore with The Soul Selectors ((sick army of DJ's)) but he's been down with the Kink Not mission since day one. When he and DJ Leon Q spun at Carnivale last week they asked Kinky Notti be their special guest hosts...you know Kink Not aint neva scared!

As The World Turns...

Speakers blasted out hot salsa rhythms as we stepped through the door. We watched at first trying to take notes on all the steps (we still need to learn how to salsa!) but then DJ World turned on some steppa's joints and Chiv and Chae LaFunk had to get loose real quick.
Care to Tango?....

It takes two!
Chae is instant comedy always acting so far beyond her years! Did you peep that "TT Hat-N-Shawl" combo she was rocking?! She got rode all nite for that. The killer was when TT Chae got to stepping and caught a charlie horse in her left leg!!

TT (Noun): Somebody's play auntie

Ouch...u might wanna walk that one out

When World threw on our first joint, "Beneath the Deck" we did a half-performance on the dance floor since we didn't have any mics (we were only supposed to host that nite!)...The crowd was really feelin it though. Later we even got a chance to take a silly pic with a couple of new Kink Not fans :)

Have & Chae can't stop singing after two rounds of mojitos

.....Peace to the Babies.....

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