This was Kinky Notti's first show after a year+ hiatus... we had simply stopped performing to concentrate on recording the 'Succumb' album. It's cool, now that we have a buncha new music to rock instead of just a few songs... and adding the live-stage edge just makes it kinkier & nottier than ever.
It's all about sound-potency... which is why there's an entirely new band set-up. We still rock to midi tracks, but now we incorporate a few live pieces & some super solid backgrounds. The dopest part of all is rockin the stage with our peeps, who are also behind-the-scenes contributers to the album... we win. Period.
We left the stage drenched in sweat after 35-minutes of pure go-hardery. This was a more serious set for Kinky Notti and it'll probably only intensify over time, with practice. It looks like we'll be getting plenty of that with our upcoming college tour and major-music-festival schedules in the works. We're looking forward to many big things. So if you missed this show no worries... just watch out cus here we cum.