Nov 10, 2010

100 Pieces Montage by Jae Parlae

What can we say? The homie "Jae Parlae" is the shit! Not only did he hold us down with complimentary lodging at his Brooklyn bachelor pad during our recent stay in NY, but he also put together this dope video-montage using a piece from our performance in NYC... (not just one piece, but "100 Pieces" hahaha)... Anyway, we were pleasantly surprised to receive it along with his message, saying, "Your showcase at Secret Lounge in NYC was off the Hook!!!! I was able to capture some footage... look forward to seeing you on a bigger stage."

Yo, thanks a million, Jae! It feels good to know that we got peeps who are genuinely lookin out for us, kink not?!


Nov 9, 2010

Rock The Future

We’re always shouting “Peace to the Babies”… now we get to do it for a good cause: to provide the youth with quality music education! We think it’s a shame that schools are cutting art & music programming altogether. So we will rock for the cause & hopefully you will too by coming out to show support!


Nov 1, 2010

Thriller Night

The trick-or-treat mission this year in Hyde Park was super tight! There were at least 10,000 muffoccurs out in the streets at 57th & Harper kickin' it. Here's a lil MJ-Thriller fun we captured while hanging out with our vampire kid & her creepy cousins.


Oct 25, 2010


Oh Yayer! We're back in En-Weez (NYC) for a few days to do our thing, gracing various stages... including the showcase above at Secret Lounge Oct. 26th. We're geeked & ready to unleash one helluva show, so come check us out!


Oct 4, 2010

Succumb Face-Painting Fun

Awww, peep these little faces all painted & inspired by Kinky Notti ... ok so maybe they're not old enough to partake in Kink Not & maybe they're all just having a lil pre-Halloween fun, but we still think the unveiling of our dope new photo shoot with 10 Photos for the Succumb video must've had some kinda' subliminal influence on them, LOL! Anywho you probably already guessed & yes, one of 'em is our kid (kickin it tight with her two gal-pals)... just an ordinary day in the life of Baby Notti. Hey what do you expect? Look at her parents & her parent's friends! Creative yet creepy as ever! :D


Sep 23, 2010

The SucCUMb Video/Short-Film Concept

Kinky Notti Succumb Video Shoot from TeN on Vimeo.

We'd just finished up a photo shoot with our guy Ten Photos... just stepped into place in front of this remote basement wall, ready to start filming what we call our "live-action shots" for the new Kinky Notti "SucCUMb" video... when Ten thought he'd be slick & pull out his iPhone to capture a sneak peak of us warming up the camera with a lil test-run through the track. In this video, we were mostly checking for lighting-quality & visual accuracy of the camera. It wasn't until a couple shots later that we actually started doing full, 100% action-takes. But still, this gives a nice glimpse into the behind-the-scenery of the video.

No we're not doing Gaga & TPain or whoever the hell... we're the embodiment of the concept that we created a while ago & even named our entire project after--> SUCCUMB!
When a person succumbs to something they fail to resist pressure, temptation, or other influential forces. In our new video, we intend to portray those little voices in the minds of the starring characters, egging them on through each scene as they succumb, or give into, different impulses & particular situations. The approach was to shoot a more cinematic story, which is why we consider the joint to be more of a short film than a video. There's plenty of play on fantasy vs. reality throughout... more Lynchian in approach, expressing striking images-in-motion. Let's not forget the futuristic, blaring sound of the track itself, which makes for a beautiful blend that's sooooo Kink Not.

Don't miss "SucCUMb" - The Kinky Notti Short Film Fantasy (click for details)... or just follow us tomorrow on twitter for updates & links to be released throughout the day. Catch the link to the video premiere and watch us celebrate live on Ustream from Blue Frog 22 (22 E. Hubbard- 5pm to 11pm)!!

Photos by Jaime Endick

Meet the cast: Mark Studney as Professor Johnson, Henri Mitchelle as Dee Della Rio, and Marjani Jones as Dee Della Rio's Kid Sister, lol


Sep 22, 2010






Sep 19, 2010

Kinky Notti - House of Blues CHI - 9/27/10

YO! We are bout to open with a big bang for the Chicago Installment of the Lyfe Jennings - I Still Believe Tour!!
Come see our hottest stage performance yet at the legendary House of Blues Chicago
Kinky Not?!

Tickets are $25 & can be purchased at the door of House of Blues, Chicago.
Email for all other inquiries.


Sep 17, 2010

Don't Miss the "Succumb" Video Premiere!

We made a short film slash music video recently. It’s done & we’re all set to unveil it later this month on Sept. 24th… don’t miss the premiere of “Succumb” by Kinky Notti! No more fun, kiddy stuff... it’s bout to be dopesmazing :D

Freaky Friday - by Kinky Notti <-- (click the link for the cheesy-trailer view)




Sep 15, 2010

Open Rehearsals

Wow, our first installment of Open Rehearsals at the Kinky Notti Juke Joint turned out to be such betterwith! So good, that now we're making it a bi-monthly event. We thought "what better way for our fans & homies to get an inside look at our performances + see the evolution of our next music-project than to witness it all live at our rehearsals?"... Plus we love receiving any kind of instant feedback from people, so it's a win, win situation.

Last time at our Open Rehearsal we banged out a live photo shoot with our guy Ten Photos + performed... so now we have new photos for the upcoming Kinky Notti promotion (that we plan to unleash later on this week). Also Tshurhad Chivas got to play around with some of his new song-ideas for Havanah Maxie's fresh beat-collection. It was a super-tight sneak preview for all the newbies who came thru!

Dopest of all, is that there's recently been a string of nice show-offers collecting for Kinky Notti, such as our upcoming show at HOB Chicago. We're opening up for The Lyfe Jennings "I Still Believe Tour" Monday Sept. 27th... anyway, we can honestly say that so far, Open Rehearsals seems to be the perfect outlet for us to connect to for expressing that magical creative-connection shared between us with others... it's a beautiful thing!

Chicago--> check out our Facebook Fan Page or our Twitter Page for updates on the next Kinky Notti installment of Open Rehearsal at the Juke Joint... but for now, here's some behind-the-scene pics & vid-footagery.


Open Rehearsal- 1

Open Rehearsal- 2

Open Rehearsal- 3

Open Rehearsal- 4

Open Rehearsal- 6

Open Rehearsal- 7

Aug 2, 2010

Slang You Can Bang #6

BETTERWITH = it's official-liveness, really. It's what's in your heart-of-hearts & in your gut, even tho you try to deny the facts.

DENY THE FACTS = just being on front street with yourself, really.

Betterwith should roll off the tongue kinda like Butterworth, but it's betterwith... the same way Mrs. Butterworth's is betterwith when it comes to syrup, aka surp... but you still go & buy that other malarky anyway.

PS who the hell is that bainch on the bottle ?

BAINCH = either that bitch Lisa, Tisha, or Keisha from around the way


Jul 14, 2010

Kinky Notti - Coming Soon to Power 92!

::: TUNE IN & TURN IT UP :::

Exclusive Interview



Sunday July 18th

7pm Sharp


We Need Everybody & They Momma In Chi-Town

To Tune Their Radios To 92.3FM at 7pm Sharp



Go to this Sunday, July 18th at 7pm

& hear Kinky Notti's exclusive Power 92 interview on the web.

Call & Request Kinky Notti's new hit single "Ghetto Love"

Power 92 Request Line: 773-375-9248





May 25, 2010

En Weezin It - Vol.1 + RESPIRATOR THUMP

Don't quote us, but it is quite possible that NYC naturally breathes & pulsates at the frequency of planet Mars. Kinky Notti's insanely-dope journey to NY led us to rockin out at Southpaw (Brooklyn's finest) with The Beatards last month ((catch Kinky Notti at Southpaw here)). Afterward, our girl Semaj swooped us over to Pyramid to do an encore performance at End of the Weak's Open Mic Set ((peace to the homie Vinyl Richie, the master of ceremony/dj of the evening... dude spotted us in the crowd & went nutz. He literally stopped the show & blessed us with a hot introduction onto the stage))... shit was amazing!

So here we are now... back home with a buncha random footage from our trip. We decided that we couldn't waste such classic material (can u say viral video?) So here's our home-video-style footage, accompanied by the song 'Respirator Thump' from our new album 'Succumb' ((listen to 'Succumb' here)) Check it out...

About the video:

We landed in Newark & took a ride on the monorail (we were sofa-king wo' out!)... we were headed to our lil come-up-room located right in the heart of Manhattan. At check-in the front desk told us, "the price you were quoted is for rooms on the 13th floor... the one that's under construction for the duration of your stay... but don't worry! All hotel rooms on that floor are completely renovated & we'll even throw in a free-breakfast voucher for each morning of your stay"... we were like wtf?? Then she dangled a warm, freshly-baked, chocolate-chip-walnut cookie in front of our faces. Pbbbbbbb...Done deal!

At first, HavMax was pretty salty about it, but actually once inside, the rooms weren't bad at all. It even became amusing finding the new developments each day walking back to our room -> NITE ONE= no carpet & no wallpaper. NITE TWO= carpet! NITE THREE= new wallpaper up... and so on. It's amazing how something as simple as carpet can make a huge difference when it comes to sound-absorbancy ;D

Anywho, the rally-scene was randomly captured as we rolled up on it & decided to jump in. We could hear a dope public-enemy-sounding emcee in the distance but couldn't see the stage from where we were standing, so we made our way through the crowd toward the stage for a better look. There we spotted the homies Bling Crosby & the Rebel Diaz crew, so immediately we fell right into the mix while muffoccurs went hard for the rally. They even took it to the streets & marched all the way through Chinatown. Shit was crazy, but peaceful... everybody was soaring with love-energy, even the babies.

The final scene was shot on a quiet Brooklyn street where we rolled up on a dude selling old albums & CDs for $2 apiece. He was pretty bored because nobody really buys CDs & albums anymore, so we stopped to chat with dude for a sec. He told us about how each weekend you can find him posted up, selling music in front of his momma's house. He even asked us to hold down the fort a sec while he ran inside. We were like "wow, OK... that's random as hell" lol, but dude's vibe was positive, so we didn't mind. The hilarity was watching Tshurhad Chivas interact with all the foot-traffic, calling out dude's sales pitches like "CD'S, RECORDS, 3 FOR $5 OR ONLY $2 EACH"... only in New York, lol

About the song:

Respirator Thump is track 5 on Kinky Notti's new album 'Succumb' which is now available on online music stores! Check it out on iTunes, bandcamp or Amazon

That First Saturday at The Brooklyn Museum = salsa salsa salsa

We named him Captain Skerry Azhun Morgan

We party hard & remember to do the knowledge

Guess some rocked big-up-to-Africa-medallions
while others rocked big-up-to-the-sun's-atomic-makeup medallions

Chillin & waiting to politic with our guy Vince in Williamsburg

No not him.
We told this guy that they were shooting Res' 'Golden Boys' video thataway

We know enough Spanish to make out
what this protest is about: the need for some kinda job program
in other words: it's time to get some employment juming off, muffoccurs

Photos by Tshurhad Chivas


May 20, 2010


KINKY NOTTI - Ghetto Love Video from Kinky Notti on Vimeo.

Kinky Notti presents 'Ghetto Love' the official music video from their debut album entitled 'SUCCUMB' ©2010

visit for album downloads


May 17, 2010

Making it Happen - The Ghetto Love Video

Ghetto Love means more than just the obvious (yes, it's a song about hot sex in the hood) but we also wanted to show how Ghetto Love is something that can be felt when people come together in hood spots to kick it & have fun... but even more than that, we wanted the video to show how Kinky Notti can be the source of that feeling. In other words, the video is a reflection of how Chicago gets it in on a good day.

Note how we said 'on a good day'... days prior we obsessively watched the weather to be sure to shoot on the first hot day in April, that way Bronzeville's 47th street was sure to juke extra hard for the camera. This worked both for & against us. Because of the attention the whole production brought, po-po's kept pulling over, tryna warn us about the danger we were in being out on the street with such expensive cameras & equipment. We weren't really sweating it then, but in hindsight we could understand why the forces urged us to rush along. Chicago made national headlines later that week with waves of senseless & deadly shootings on the south side.

Anyway, we basically had one weekend to make all the video-scenes happen. We were in all kindsa retail & landmark locations: Ibiza Clothing Store, Cut-Rate Liquors, the 47th-Street El platform, The Willis (or Sears) Tower... even that dope graffiti-covered alley in Hyde Park. Then the final scene of the video was shot at Havanah Maxie's uncle's Bronzeville mansion, which made the perfect backdrop for the basement/house-party scene.

That Saturday nite we were up til 3am shooting the house party scenes over & over. Previously we had casted dancers & actors to help with certain scenes. BTW we're really appreciative of those who came through & helped us put our vision into motion. Videos take a lotta hard work & patience to make happen, it's not always just fun & games... until there's a bar scene with real drinks involved... then everybody WINS.

About the staff behind the scenes... the 'Ghetto Love' video was directed by Tshurhad Chivas of Kinky Notti, produced by Kenyon Scott & Takamasa Ota, shot by Kacper Skowron & crew Flint Chaney & Giovazkie Perez. Peace to Gretchen Hasse, Antonio Barnes & for the bangin' photos. Henri Mitchelle, for a job well-done on the makeup. And lastly, a BIG UP goes out to Dana Anderson & Concrete Runway for the project-consulting. YES, WE ARE WINNING! :D

After The Ghetto Love Shoot is Kenyon Scott's short documentary of how we exhaustedly wrapped things up...

(click to view)


POP Life Hitz