We took an adult field trip with some friends to the Oriental Institute Museum after a nice fatty. There were all these bugged-out artifacts in glass cases that had been dug up from the ruins of ancient hoods. Some dated all the way back to 6,000-8,000 BC. Anywho, we were particularly amused by the ridiculous descriptions under each finding... we were all like "how is a muffoccur from TODAY gonna know off G.P. that these tiny sea-shell-looking pottery pieces were actually figurines of women's souls & shit like that? Who's to say what every idol was? Who knows what each marking meant?
So we started peeping all these crazy carvings on slate slabs illustrating what appeared to be a land of terror & strife. There were unfamiliar creatures roaming about... human-figurines who looked like treasure trolls... giants, flying man-lions & monkey-man slaves in neck-chains...
then the thought struck us:
What if these ancient artifacts were in fact street art? You know, like the graffiti, sticker-art culture & vinyl toy industry of today? That would explain why we find pebbles with drawings of muffoccurs getting eaten by unruly plagues of dino-beasts who eat humans. Thousands of years into the future, perhaps the street art on the wall below will be dug up & contain (to distant-future plaeontologists) what appears to be the story of mammoth buffalo-men roaming about, eating humans. The connection became quite evident!

And explains why little figurines like these always appear to be found in bulk...
they're dug up from the ruins of perhaps an ancient Rotofugi ((vinyl toy shop)) of the past.

Even when looking at this finding, it makes sense: the possessed elf-archer who decapitates muffoccurs is the same possessed rat-bastard who decapitates muffinking countries.