They called this month's exhibit "Live Jive", conceived by the hands of poet/ healer/ painter Smokie; Chicago’s own fresh engineer artist Casmir Mercedes; and event producer, Dustin. It was tight...We got to see some people we hadn't seen in a minute and we got a lil taste of what's good in the hood. We could see the artists' heavy nfluence by Basquiat... it was sort of like looking at a cave man's work on some Back-to-the-Future-Graffiti-type-shit. We could dig it.
We were bobbing our headz and vibing all nite. We didn't even peep our guy, Sonny Daze hiding up in an elevated loft til the end when we were bouncing out. DrUNkeN MoNkeeE hosted and kept disappearing and reappearing all nite in masks and shit, on some real ninja shit. We missed his performance, but we still walked away with a small consolation prize.
Note: art shows in sub-zero temps with busted heaters suckass! When was the last time you saw a bunch of free wine sitting out not being consumed? It was too cold to even get drunk! Some Maker's shots probably woulda done the trick. But overall, the event felt like exactly what we are looking for in our quest to begin a wild revolution within the Chicago artist community. A new "artist playground" is developing...POP Life is emerging, Kink Not??
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